Perfect face measurements
Perfect face measurements

perfect face measurements

The physiognomical facial height of the face was greater in males with significant sexual dimorphism in all the racial groups. The comparative anthropometric analysis in the present study shows difference and similarities in the facial measurement among the 3 racial groups. The present study was, (1) to determine the normal average values of physiognomic height and width of the face in 3 ethnic groups of Malaysian population, (2) to identify the individuals with long, normal, and short face, and (3) to determine if there are any significant differences exists in the measurements and index among the races and genders. In the present study, we applied golden ratio to the obtained quantitative data and classified the result in the form of different facial shapes. The aesthetical standards have both advantage and disadvantages, but it has to be tailored according to the area of application. Jefferson stated that deviation of human face from golden proportion can result in the development of facial abnormalities and disorders. presented extensive anthropometric data of different population in the form proportional indices, which was useful for quantification of facial attractiveness and for assessment of post- operative outcomes. pointed out that averageness is one of the important cues for facial attractiveness it is the mean value of measurement derived from the large group of population. Most of the author's opinion that single aesthetic standard is inadequate and simple because the recent anthropometrical studies have demonstrated that the facial morphology varies according to age, gender, and race.

perfect face measurements

Marquardt developed a facemask by applying divine proportion to describe the most attractive face. Levin suggested that divine proportion can be used as a guideline for the ideal size of teeth, and he developed a dental grid system to evaluate the dental aesthetics.

perfect face measurements

Rickets observed the presence of golden proportion in cephalogram and photographs of beautiful faces. was first to introduce “golden proportion” as planning tool in facial surgery. The scientific applications of golden proportion have been done in various fields like prosthodontics, surgery, orthodontic, facial attractiveness study, and in the development of facial mask and dental grid system. Ever since the period of Egyptian's various norms, guidelines and standards have been proposed to describe the ideal facial proportion, out of which the most famous axiom is golden proportion or divine proportion (1:1.618).

Perfect face measurements